Coping with stress- healing and thriving during tough times
Resources are areas of strength that we pull from during challenging times to help us cope and survive emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Laurissa Hampton LPC
4/10/20231 min read
Resources are areas of strength that we pull from during challenging times to help us cope and survive emotionally, physically and spiritually. Resources can be broken down into main categories Internal and External.
Internal resources:
Capabilities developed over time that reside within us.
Some examples of internal resources are:
Relational- involving others.
A sense of valuing and deserving friendships and family, general belief that others can be supportive. A connection with pets/ animals. Communication skills. The ability to reach out to others and set healthy boundaries. Ability to give and receive emotional support.
Somatic- body
Good health, ability to connect with body and its sensations, ability to regulate arousal, feeling sense of connection with earth/ ground through legs, deep breathing, good posture, flexibility of movement.
Access to a full range of positive high arousal emotions (joy, elation, passion) and low-arousal emotions (tenderness, tranquility, contentment). Ability to tolerate uncomfortable emotions (anger, sadness, loneliness). Not getting stuck in one's emotions. Ability to express and communicate emotions, appropriately regulate emotions, ability to appropriately use emotions to guide / inform action.
Artistic/ Creative
Ability to access your creative process through activities such as:
Music, dance, poetry, writing, sculpture, visual arts, design, photography, cooking, acting, crafts, landscaping, gardening, building etc
Ability to earn an income and create financial security. The capacity to enjoy
material things (cozy blanket, chair, car, etc).
Strong sense of self, sense of competency, good self-esteem, feeling safe in the world, sense of being 'ok', ability to notice your experience, nonjudgemental self awareness, ability to reflect on your behavior, emotions or thoughts.
The ability to connect to and appreciate the sounds, sights, and smells in nature,
enjoying activities in natural settings, appreciation of seasons.
External resources:
Resources that are outside of us in the environment
Friends, family, support, exercise, creating a calm and peaceful environment etc.
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