Insurance Plans Accepted

Individual and Couples psychotherapy

I am in network with:

Blue Cross Blue Shield

United Health

Out of network:

And I am able to bill most out of network plans

Self Pay $225-$275 per session

(sliding scale offered)

Safe and Sound Intervention

In Network:

With insurance covering individual therapy sessions there will be an additional cost of $800-$1000.

Fee includes 60 days of access to the Unyte platform, polyvagal activities, additional weekly monitoring and support from therapist.

Out of Network:

Provider direct time and polyvagal activities 3.5 hours x $175 per hour= $612

Additional monitoring and support 1.5 hours x $150= $225

Up to 6 months access to platform for all pathways=$300

Total: $1,137

Additional options:

Refresher rate (returning after first completion): $560-$700

Open access to platform for maintenance after completion of initial program: Monthly fee of $75

KAP Fees

Kap is not covered by insurance, however, if I am in network with your insurance company preparation sessions, part I of dosing and integration sessions will be billed to insurance. Any additional time outside of of this will be billed out of pocket at a reduced rate of $175 per hour.